Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life

I’m digging into the vacation photo basket again, just because I was so taken with the charm of Venice and other coastal cities on the Adriatic that we visited. The top photo is a street scene from inside the old walled city of Kotor in Montenegro.  The bottom photo is the only way to see […]

Cozy Up to Murder

I just finished reading a murder mystery, specifically, a “cozy” mystery. Cozy mysteries are murder lite, and sometimes humorous. An irritating neighbor or relative, a person that nobody will miss, found dead in an unusual way, such as stabbed with chopsticks. The main character bungles around asking questions since the police are too busy to […]

Silver and Gold

Most mornings when my brain begins to function without fuzz, I go through a mental list of things that need to be done that day. Almost always they are normal, mundane, easily forgotten things that are nothing to write home about. And then there are the days, every now and then, that you will remember […]

Weekly Photo Challenge: Perspective

Atmospheric perspective is so much less precise than the kind you draw with an ink pen and a horizon line. I like the moodiness and peacefulness of a photo with atmospheric perspective, where the atmosphere itself creates the depth. The first photo is near Argostoli, Greece, and the second is taken from the top of the […]