Springtime and Other New Beginnings

I wish I could bloggily share a gorgeous fragrance or the feeling of warm sunshine (finally!) on the top of my head. Spring is absolutely the best way to come out of a long and dreary and COLD winter. These crabapples are in my front yard. My neighbor has a gorgeous old-fashioned lilac that is […]

A Tardis in Disguise

Megan had an orthodontist appointment today, and I’m sure glad she has her driver’s license so she can drive herself there, even though it still makes me nervous. I like that television commercial for car insurance, where the dad looks over at his teenage daughter behind the wheel and sees her as a toddler. In […]

Think Positive

Tonight I went to a concert! The first one in ages, and high school band concerts do not count, even though they are wonderful. This one was very good, too, and I had a great time. The concert was a fund-raiser for the hospital, sponsored by the Rotary Club. It was David’s idea to get […]

Unique Is Good

Sitting here watching old reruns of The Newhart Show. I do remember this show from prime time, and it was a hoot. It still is. It looks so much like real life, but it’s exaggerated and condensed to keep you laughing. If people really behaved this way in real life, it would be enough to […]

Don’t Look Down

Even though I spent most of yesterday snuffling back tears, I managed to have an enjoyable time with my sister and family when we took her out to eat for her birthday. She is living with her boyfriend now, however unofficially, so we don’t see her much these days. She’ll be back after Easter, though, […]